Friday 4 December 2015

Understanding media:
Understanding structure and ownership in the creative media sector:
Filmmaking structure:
There are 5 parts of making a film. These four parts are called Development, Pre-production, production, post-production and distribution.
This is the first part of making a film. This is where the producer selects a story to do, this could come from a book (like the harry potter franchise), a comic (like Batman and Superman), another film or it could be an original idea. Then, they also write the screenplay. Screen play is the script, you can find a script in many different sectors of the media industry like Television, animation and more. A script is a piece of paper that tells what to do, as well as speaking it could tell them what action to do or what voice to say the line in.  

Pre-production is the second part of making a film. This is where they make the storyboards with the help for an illustrator and concept artists. This is also where the producer put in insurances are put in place to protect them against accidents also the budget is figured out, this is where they know what they are going to spent on the film. Also the producer picks out a camera crew, for a low budget film they would be going for the cheapest film crew, where as a high budget film will fork out hundreds for a film crew. They are also able the fork out for top actors to play the parts (cast) also the locations for the film are found and selected.
Production is the third part of making a film. This is where the main shot of the film are done also more crew is recruited at this stage, people like stills photographers, assistant director, property master and more.
Post production:
Post production is the fourth part of making a film. This is where all the sound, image and visual effects a put in the film. The film is also edited, which means sometimes small parts and scene are cut of the film. Like in Harry Potter, the ghost peeves was cut of the films as he wasn't seen an important character and also the film would have been too long if he was in it.
Distribution is the final part of making a film. This is where the film is the film is released into the cinema of it is put straight onto DVD as it wasn't good enough for the cinemas.
Structure of film companies:
All film companies have the same structure, all the big companies like Disney and fox have took over/ bought all the smaller companies. An example of this is the Warner Brother studios.
Warner Brothers:
Warner Brothers own lots of like companies like HBO, Adaptly and more. These companies also own their own like HBO have Cinemax. Although Cinemax don't do films, they do TV shows like documents and old action films that they make into TV shows. An example of this is they made the old transporter films into a new series that are biased on the film. But Cinemax also have there own TV channels that they show movies on, these channels are called MAX GO, 5 star max and more but customers have to buy 12 dollars if they want it on your TV box. 
TV stucture:

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