Friday 20 November 2015

Alien animation:
This is animation of an alien walking about and bending his eyes. He is exploring his surroundings as he has never been there before. 

Friday 13 November 2015

Friday 6 November 2015

stop animation: 1970s- present.

History of animation 1970s-present day:
Terry Gilliam:
Gilliam was born on the 22nd of November 1940. Gilliam made 12 featured films in his life time some of these were called Time Bandits (1981), The fisher king (1991) and lots more. He also changed how animation by making it not just for children as through the 1950s and 1960s cartoons where known as a child's thing but Gilliam switched it around to be a adult sort of thing by creating a programme call monty python. He did this by adding adult jokes to the animation. Monty python started out as a cut out animation then moved on to having people play in the films. He started his carrer out as a cartoonist but if he hadn't moved from the US then he would have been a bomb maker as in those days it was bad times in America and they need bomb makers as there were a lot of riots in 1966-1967. 

Oliver Postage:
Postage was born on the 12th of April 1925 and died on the 8th of December 2008. He started his career as a stage manager in 1957 in the children's television programme section and always thought that he could make the best animations on low budgets. He moved on in his career making television programmes such as Bagpuss, The clangers and pogles wood. Most of his animations where puppets. He has also done other stuff an making animation like narrated the 6 part comedy series called Elastic planet in 1995. This was on BBC Radio 4.
Hayao Miyazaki:
Miyazki was born on the 5th of January 1941 and he is well known for the anime's that he created. He made stuff like Spirited away (2001), My neighbour totorto (1988) and The wind rises (2013). He is so well known and his work is so popular in Japan that he has own museum called Ghibli museum. He is that good that he retired but the producers keep asking him to come back to do another film.
Matt Groening:
Groening is a 61 year old cartoonist who created popular animations like The Simpsons and futurama. As well as doing TV series he has made them into movies like the Simpsons movies (2007), Futurama: benders big score (2007) and more. He is also another reason why cartoons are not just for children and can be used for adult entertainment as it has adult themes in it like dug use, violence or sexual themes. He has also appeared in the Simpsons a few times. 

factual programming: colour correction

Colour Correction notes:
There are 3 colours that can change the colour of a image and they are red, blue and green. These colours are used as filters and colour gel on images in things such as photography, television and cinematography. Colour temperatures are measured on the Kelvin scale. You can also make your image your image better by using these colours and more clear. To get the perfect the 3 colours need to be balanced. The more balanced they are the better the image is. When you put this on premiere pro it looks like this:
Click the image to view high resolution.
You can see the image on the right is more clear and better quality than the image on the left because the blue, green and red are more level.

This is the colour correction wheel for media:
The opposite colours on the wheel mean the opposite of each other. So the yellow is the opposite to blue. Yellow mean light and dark means dark. So there is more yellow in the image if you shoot in a room that has lighting in it. Where as outside there is more blue in the image as it is darker.

Thursday 5 November 2015

research technques: demographic

It is where people such as the government or cooperation's research factor of people such as age, gender, religion and economic status. Researchers use this in the media industry to see who may like this film or they do it for countries because the film may be offensive to there religion. Like they band the film the interview in North Korea because it took the piss out off king john un.
NRS social grade table:
It is the classification of someone. So it demands of there class like upper, middle and working class.

Task 1:
The Martian:
Target audience:
The age limit to this film would be 18 plus as it may have some violence/ jumpy scenes that children may find scary.
Gender divide:
I think 60% male and 40% female will be watching this film as males tend to like action films more than women.
Social split: A,B and C1.

Downtown abbey:
Target audience: 60 plus
Gender divide: 20% men and 80%
Social split: A and B.