Thursday 5 November 2015

research technques: demographic

It is where people such as the government or cooperation's research factor of people such as age, gender, religion and economic status. Researchers use this in the media industry to see who may like this film or they do it for countries because the film may be offensive to there religion. Like they band the film the interview in North Korea because it took the piss out off king john un.
NRS social grade table:
It is the classification of someone. So it demands of there class like upper, middle and working class.

Task 1:
The Martian:
Target audience:
The age limit to this film would be 18 plus as it may have some violence/ jumpy scenes that children may find scary.
Gender divide:
I think 60% male and 40% female will be watching this film as males tend to like action films more than women.
Social split: A,B and C1.

Downtown abbey:
Target audience: 60 plus
Gender divide: 20% men and 80%
Social split: A and B.

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