Friday 6 November 2015

factual programming: colour correction

Colour Correction notes:
There are 3 colours that can change the colour of a image and they are red, blue and green. These colours are used as filters and colour gel on images in things such as photography, television and cinematography. Colour temperatures are measured on the Kelvin scale. You can also make your image your image better by using these colours and more clear. To get the perfect the 3 colours need to be balanced. The more balanced they are the better the image is. When you put this on premiere pro it looks like this:
Click the image to view high resolution.
You can see the image on the right is more clear and better quality than the image on the left because the blue, green and red are more level.

This is the colour correction wheel for media:
The opposite colours on the wheel mean the opposite of each other. So the yellow is the opposite to blue. Yellow mean light and dark means dark. So there is more yellow in the image if you shoot in a room that has lighting in it. Where as outside there is more blue in the image as it is darker.

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