Friday 9 October 2015

Stop motion animtion: Pioneers of early animation

Pioneers of early animation:
George Melees:
George Mêlées was a famous illusionist and film maker. He is well known for putting techniques into films or special effects as they are known. By accident he discovered the stop trick effect, this is also known as the jump cut. Stop tricking is where you flip from one image to the other. This could be seen as cutting from one image to another. He made films like a trip to the moon (1902) and The impossible voyage (1904). These moves where strange and in the style of Jules Verne. They are also considered as the early science fiction films although they could be closer to fantasy films. He is also the inventor of horror films with his make of the film The hunted castle (1896). In his life time Melees make 500 films but due to it being old films some of them have been lost and you can only watch 200 of his films. Theses are some of the video examples of his work. 

This is one of his movies called trip to the moon. It was made in 1902. This was on the earliest examples of science fiction genre film. It is about a group of scientist's making a rocket to the moon but it ends up hitting him in the eye. 
Winsor Mccay:
Winsor Mccay was born on 26th of September 1869. He finished school at the age of 21 and went to work at National Printing Company of Chicago. He worked for a lot of things before he worked in animation. In his lifetime he made 10 animations between the years 1911 and 1921 but 3 more were planned before he finished. His work was inspired by the movement of the flip books that his son would bring home. His first ever animation that he made was little Nemo which was made in 1911. 

Inspired by some of George Melees work Winsor Mccay painted in his work. This is little Nemo that was made in 1911. It is full of random characters and plots. 

Lottie Reiniger: 
Reiniger was the first famous cut out animator. She made animations like Cinderella, Aladdin and many more. She made her work by cutting out piece of paper and using the shadows as her work. 
The picture on the left is a bit from the Cinderella cut out animation. She made it in 1922. This is about a girl who is enslaved by her stepmother and two wicked stepsisters. Until one day the prince has a ball and she goes to the ball. They fall in love but she has to run away because the spell that her fairy godmother cast on her wares off on her at that time. But the prince finds her again but the power of the shoe that she leave behind at the ball. They fall in love and live happy ever after.

Steamboat Willie:
Steamboat Willie.jpgSteamboat Willie was made in 1928 by Walt Disney. It was the first short film that Walt Disney made. It was also the first appearance of micky mouse. It is a black and white film. That runs for nearly 8 minutes.


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