Thursday 8 October 2015

Research Techique: The advantages and disadvantages of online surveys

The advantages and disadvantages of online surveys?
Online surveys are cheap ways of getting answers out of people. This is because if you used survey monkey it is free to sign up and you are still able to get answers from people. But if you did it by post you would have to pay for the postage.
Another advantage of using a online survey is that its faster than the traditional way. It is also two thirds shorter than the traditional research method.
Finally it is easy to style it out in the survey in the color's of the business that you are working for. You can choose the style, colors and add the logo.

People might not answer but they may think its a scam or it may have a virus attached to the link that you are sending them (that is if it is sent by email.)
Another example of this is the customer might not know what the questions entail and there is no one the ask so they might not bother doing the survey or they might but the wrong answer.
Finally the answerer might not be bothered and rush the survey so you might get the wrong answers.  

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