Friday 11 December 2015


Today, we did a pixelation animation and sam was doing the vogue dance. Pixelation animation is to do with people being in the animation instead of models or cut out models. This is only the first half of the work. 

Friday 4 December 2015

cut out animation:

Understanding media:
Understanding structure and ownership in the creative media sector:
Filmmaking structure:
There are 5 parts of making a film. These four parts are called Development, Pre-production, production, post-production and distribution.
This is the first part of making a film. This is where the producer selects a story to do, this could come from a book (like the harry potter franchise), a comic (like Batman and Superman), another film or it could be an original idea. Then, they also write the screenplay. Screen play is the script, you can find a script in many different sectors of the media industry like Television, animation and more. A script is a piece of paper that tells what to do, as well as speaking it could tell them what action to do or what voice to say the line in.  

Pre-production is the second part of making a film. This is where they make the storyboards with the help for an illustrator and concept artists. This is also where the producer put in insurances are put in place to protect them against accidents also the budget is figured out, this is where they know what they are going to spent on the film. Also the producer picks out a camera crew, for a low budget film they would be going for the cheapest film crew, where as a high budget film will fork out hundreds for a film crew. They are also able the fork out for top actors to play the parts (cast) also the locations for the film are found and selected.
Production is the third part of making a film. This is where the main shot of the film are done also more crew is recruited at this stage, people like stills photographers, assistant director, property master and more.
Post production:
Post production is the fourth part of making a film. This is where all the sound, image and visual effects a put in the film. The film is also edited, which means sometimes small parts and scene are cut of the film. Like in Harry Potter, the ghost peeves was cut of the films as he wasn't seen an important character and also the film would have been too long if he was in it.
Distribution is the final part of making a film. This is where the film is the film is released into the cinema of it is put straight onto DVD as it wasn't good enough for the cinemas.
Structure of film companies:
All film companies have the same structure, all the big companies like Disney and fox have took over/ bought all the smaller companies. An example of this is the Warner Brother studios.
Warner Brothers:
Warner Brothers own lots of like companies like HBO, Adaptly and more. These companies also own their own like HBO have Cinemax. Although Cinemax don't do films, they do TV shows like documents and old action films that they make into TV shows. An example of this is they made the old transporter films into a new series that are biased on the film. But Cinemax also have there own TV channels that they show movies on, these channels are called MAX GO, 5 star max and more but customers have to buy 12 dollars if they want it on your TV box. 
TV stucture:

Friday 20 November 2015

Alien animation:
This is animation of an alien walking about and bending his eyes. He is exploring his surroundings as he has never been there before. 

Friday 13 November 2015

Friday 6 November 2015

stop animation: 1970s- present.

History of animation 1970s-present day:
Terry Gilliam:
Gilliam was born on the 22nd of November 1940. Gilliam made 12 featured films in his life time some of these were called Time Bandits (1981), The fisher king (1991) and lots more. He also changed how animation by making it not just for children as through the 1950s and 1960s cartoons where known as a child's thing but Gilliam switched it around to be a adult sort of thing by creating a programme call monty python. He did this by adding adult jokes to the animation. Monty python started out as a cut out animation then moved on to having people play in the films. He started his carrer out as a cartoonist but if he hadn't moved from the US then he would have been a bomb maker as in those days it was bad times in America and they need bomb makers as there were a lot of riots in 1966-1967. 

Oliver Postage:
Postage was born on the 12th of April 1925 and died on the 8th of December 2008. He started his career as a stage manager in 1957 in the children's television programme section and always thought that he could make the best animations on low budgets. He moved on in his career making television programmes such as Bagpuss, The clangers and pogles wood. Most of his animations where puppets. He has also done other stuff an making animation like narrated the 6 part comedy series called Elastic planet in 1995. This was on BBC Radio 4.
Hayao Miyazaki:
Miyazki was born on the 5th of January 1941 and he is well known for the anime's that he created. He made stuff like Spirited away (2001), My neighbour totorto (1988) and The wind rises (2013). He is so well known and his work is so popular in Japan that he has own museum called Ghibli museum. He is that good that he retired but the producers keep asking him to come back to do another film.
Matt Groening:
Groening is a 61 year old cartoonist who created popular animations like The Simpsons and futurama. As well as doing TV series he has made them into movies like the Simpsons movies (2007), Futurama: benders big score (2007) and more. He is also another reason why cartoons are not just for children and can be used for adult entertainment as it has adult themes in it like dug use, violence or sexual themes. He has also appeared in the Simpsons a few times. 

factual programming: colour correction

Colour Correction notes:
There are 3 colours that can change the colour of a image and they are red, blue and green. These colours are used as filters and colour gel on images in things such as photography, television and cinematography. Colour temperatures are measured on the Kelvin scale. You can also make your image your image better by using these colours and more clear. To get the perfect the 3 colours need to be balanced. The more balanced they are the better the image is. When you put this on premiere pro it looks like this:
Click the image to view high resolution.
You can see the image on the right is more clear and better quality than the image on the left because the blue, green and red are more level.

This is the colour correction wheel for media:
The opposite colours on the wheel mean the opposite of each other. So the yellow is the opposite to blue. Yellow mean light and dark means dark. So there is more yellow in the image if you shoot in a room that has lighting in it. Where as outside there is more blue in the image as it is darker.

Thursday 5 November 2015

research technques: demographic

It is where people such as the government or cooperation's research factor of people such as age, gender, religion and economic status. Researchers use this in the media industry to see who may like this film or they do it for countries because the film may be offensive to there religion. Like they band the film the interview in North Korea because it took the piss out off king john un.
NRS social grade table:
It is the classification of someone. So it demands of there class like upper, middle and working class.

Task 1:
The Martian:
Target audience:
The age limit to this film would be 18 plus as it may have some violence/ jumpy scenes that children may find scary.
Gender divide:
I think 60% male and 40% female will be watching this film as males tend to like action films more than women.
Social split: A,B and C1.

Downtown abbey:
Target audience: 60 plus
Gender divide: 20% men and 80%
Social split: A and B.

Friday 16 October 2015

Animation 1930s-70s- stop motion animation

Animation 1930s-70s:
Snow white and the 7 dwarfs:
Walt Disney:
Snow white and the 7 dwarfs was made in 1937 and was the first full length film ever made. It was also one of the first films made in colour. It took 3 years for Walt Disney to make snow white. The film was an hour and 28 minutes. Snow White is remember because it is the first ever full length film made and it was also very popular when it first came out.  This was also the first film to be produced in colour. Snow White also has its own ride at the called Snow Whites Scary adventure. This ride was opened in 1955. The music in the film was composed by Frank Churchill, Larry Morey, Paul. J Smith and Leigh Harline. 

This is a clip of when Snow White first meets the dwarfs. 

This is on of the songs that appeared on the film. It is the 4th song that appears in the movie. 

Disney kept on making films even through the world war one, shortly after the US had joined in the world in 1941, walt disney released Dumbo. Walt Disney carried on making films throughout his life until his death in 1966 but this business keep going because his family took over and made more movies in his name. This is why we still get Disney films. 

Fleischer Brothers:
Soon after walt disney made Snow White, the Fleischer Brothers made Mr. Bug goes to town. This wasn't as popular as Snow White even though people say the drawings where better it still didn't get as high as rate as Snow White did. This was because you couldn't make bugs look cute in those days so people didn't fine the movie attractive to watch. It was released in 1941, 4 years after Snow White was made. Even though it had a famous voice actor playing on the parts it still didn't get a higher rating as Snow White.

Hanna Barbara:
Over the 30 years of working, Hanna Barbara has help produce some of the most famous cartoons that has been seen on TV. Cartoons like The Smurfs, The Flintstones and Scooby-Doo. There first ever TV show that they made was The Ruff and Reddy Show. This started this in 1957. The founders of this studios is George Sidney, Joseph Barbera and William Hanna.

Norman McLaren:
The earliest animation that Norman McLaren made was Seven till Five and that was made in 1933. This animation had a very strong formalist attitude and was influenced by Eisenstein. It was a film about a day in the life of a art school. He had won two Scottish Amateur Film Festival prizes for his work. He also we the first person to put animated features into a non animated film. This film was called neighbours. It was about two people, who were neighbours, fighting over a flower that made them feel happy with one sniff. He kept on making animations though the 50s, 60s, 70 and 80. Till his death in 1987.

TV cartoon in the 1960s:
Lots of cartoon TV shows started in the 1960s. Shows like The Bugs bunny show, sugar bear and the Flintstones started in the 1960s. Most of these cartoons were American and a lot of these TVs only lasted for 1,2 or 3 years. The 1960s was also the birth of super men and women cartoons. Super hero's likes Superman, spiderman and batman. 

Friday 9 October 2015

Stop motion animtion: Pioneers of early animation

Pioneers of early animation:
George Melees:
George Mêlées was a famous illusionist and film maker. He is well known for putting techniques into films or special effects as they are known. By accident he discovered the stop trick effect, this is also known as the jump cut. Stop tricking is where you flip from one image to the other. This could be seen as cutting from one image to another. He made films like a trip to the moon (1902) and The impossible voyage (1904). These moves where strange and in the style of Jules Verne. They are also considered as the early science fiction films although they could be closer to fantasy films. He is also the inventor of horror films with his make of the film The hunted castle (1896). In his life time Melees make 500 films but due to it being old films some of them have been lost and you can only watch 200 of his films. Theses are some of the video examples of his work. 

This is one of his movies called trip to the moon. It was made in 1902. This was on the earliest examples of science fiction genre film. It is about a group of scientist's making a rocket to the moon but it ends up hitting him in the eye. 
Winsor Mccay:
Winsor Mccay was born on 26th of September 1869. He finished school at the age of 21 and went to work at National Printing Company of Chicago. He worked for a lot of things before he worked in animation. In his lifetime he made 10 animations between the years 1911 and 1921 but 3 more were planned before he finished. His work was inspired by the movement of the flip books that his son would bring home. His first ever animation that he made was little Nemo which was made in 1911. 

Inspired by some of George Melees work Winsor Mccay painted in his work. This is little Nemo that was made in 1911. It is full of random characters and plots. 

Lottie Reiniger: 
Reiniger was the first famous cut out animator. She made animations like Cinderella, Aladdin and many more. She made her work by cutting out piece of paper and using the shadows as her work. 
The picture on the left is a bit from the Cinderella cut out animation. She made it in 1922. This is about a girl who is enslaved by her stepmother and two wicked stepsisters. Until one day the prince has a ball and she goes to the ball. They fall in love but she has to run away because the spell that her fairy godmother cast on her wares off on her at that time. But the prince finds her again but the power of the shoe that she leave behind at the ball. They fall in love and live happy ever after.

Steamboat Willie:
Steamboat Willie.jpgSteamboat Willie was made in 1928 by Walt Disney. It was the first short film that Walt Disney made. It was also the first appearance of micky mouse. It is a black and white film. That runs for nearly 8 minutes.


Thursday 8 October 2015

Reseach techniques: BARB

Top 10 viewed TV shows on itv:
  1. Downtown abbey
  2. Benidorm
  3. Coronation Street
  4. This Morning
  5. Britain's got talent
  6. Mr. Bean
  7. Sherlock Holmes
  8. Mr. Selfridges
  9. Agatha Christie's Poirot
  10. Midsomer Murders
Target audience:
ITV's target audience is family's and the elderly. As a lot of the top 10 viewed are what families watch like Britain's got talent and Benidorm. These shows have stuff that young children will like as well as there parents. Both age groups have different tastes in entertainment because children's taste of entertainment is a lot more simpler than an adults taste of entertainment because adults have seen its all and wanna be entertained by something different and yet these programs seem to pull it off. The elderly/ retired are targeted by ITV because they don't work so they are more likely to watch morning TV. So programs like This Morning, Downtown Abbey and Coronation street. These shows have also been running for a long time so they become apart of the elderly's daily routine. They also like it because they can sort of follow on from the last episode.

Research Techique: The advantages and disadvantages of online surveys

The advantages and disadvantages of online surveys?
Online surveys are cheap ways of getting answers out of people. This is because if you used survey monkey it is free to sign up and you are still able to get answers from people. But if you did it by post you would have to pay for the postage.
Another advantage of using a online survey is that its faster than the traditional way. It is also two thirds shorter than the traditional research method.
Finally it is easy to style it out in the survey in the color's of the business that you are working for. You can choose the style, colors and add the logo.

People might not answer but they may think its a scam or it may have a virus attached to the link that you are sending them (that is if it is sent by email.)
Another example of this is the customer might not know what the questions entail and there is no one the ask so they might not bother doing the survey or they might but the wrong answer.
Finally the answerer might not be bothered and rush the survey so you might get the wrong answers.  

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Factual programme/film and video: History of editing

History of editing:
Lumiere Brother:

The Lumiere Brothers were French inventors that created the picture camera along with camera equipment. As they were both very technically minded they were able to make it. In their early years they worked for their father who had his own photographic firm. Louis was the physicist and Auguste was the manager. Their first private screening was in Paris in 1895 in the cafe Salon Indien du grand cafe. Their history making screening was 10 short films. These films were only seconds long, but they were long films for people in those days. However, they are nothing to the 2 hour, 3 hour films that we watch these days. Their father was a well known painter who turned into a photographer when cameras came around. This was the birth of the cinema.
George Mêlées:
George Mêlées was a famous illusionist and film maker. He is well known for putting techniques into films or special effects as they are known. By accident he discovered the stop trick effect, this is also known as the jump cut. Stop tricking is where you flip from one image to the other. This could be seen as cutting from one image to another. He made films like a trip to the moon (1902) and The impossible voyage (1904). These moves where strange and in the style of Jules Verne. They are also considered as the early science fiction films although they could be closer to fantasy films. He is also the inventor of horror films with his make of the film The hunted castle (1896). In his life time Melees make 500 films but due to it being old films some of them have been lost and you can only watch 200 of his films.
Edwin Porter:
Edwin Porter was a famous producer, director, film maker and cinematographer. In his life time he has made 250 films. His greatest films include Jack and the Beanstalk (1902), life of an american fireman (1903) and lots more. Unlike the Lumiere brothers and George Melees his movies are longer. He also added drama into his work by actually filming real fires and footage in real fire station as it is real life stuff. Porters last ever premiered film was called Niagare Falls this was also the first ever Anaglyph 3D film. Anaglyph 3D is were they use two colours (these are normally two colours that are on the opposite sided of the colour wheel like red and cyan) as filters to an image. In his early years he worked for a company called Edison. He would redesign and tweak the companies equipment. He worked his way up through the company to filming movies that contained special effects and work with multiple scenes in them. 
D.W. Griffin:
Griffin was a famous American film director that is mostly famous for the films The Born of a Nation and the subsequent film Intolerance. The film The Born of a Nation was given bad publicity because it was seen as glorifying the KKK. The KKK were a group of people who hated black people and believed the white people were more supreme to black people. It cost him 110,000 dollars to make and in return he got a profit of millions back. In his life time he has roughly make 500 films. His final film was the struggle (1931). 

Eisenstein was a soviet Russian film director and film theorist. He used to make silent films. His most famous silent films were Strike (1925), Battleship Potemkin and October (1928). He also made historical epics like Ivan the Terrible (1944- 46) and Alexander Nevsky (1938). His first ever movie was Strike made in 1925. He started working for Proletkult theatre, this is wear he produced plays like Gas Mask and Wiseman. He then went on to being a designer for Vsevolod Meyerhold. He started his career in theatre then moved onto cinema.

Soviet Montage:
Soviet Montage was a movement that began in 1924/5 and ended in 1930. During this movement about 30 films where made in this style and these films were influential film. One Eisenstein's film called Strike (1925), this was also on of this first films which he made when he was 26.   

Sunday 4 October 2015

Friday 2 October 2015

Factual programme/film and video: Premier pro

How use premier pro?

There are 7 symbols that you have to use when you are editing a video. These are J K L O I space bar and a full stop. 
J means going backwards. If you click on it twice then I will make it go twice as fast. 
K means stop. 
L means going forward. 
I is where you put the in point of the video. 
O is the out put of the video.
Spacebar this means stop. 
Full stop means transporting it onto the tracks. 

Stop motion animation: Persistence of vision

Persistence of vision:
A zoetrope is a series of images on a drum and if you spin it really fast then you can see the images that are drawn on the come together into one. But you have to have at least 12 images in the wheel otherwise it wont work. The way you see the image is through the little slits. This was invented in 100 BC by the guy named Ding Huan. 

A Thaumatrope is another piece of animated history it was made in 1825 by a man named John Aryrton Paris, who was a English Physician. It was a victorian toy, which is made by putting two pictures on each side of a piece of paper. You then twist the piece of string that is wedged between the piece of paper. The paper should then spin around making the two pictures come together into one. 

The Phenakistoscope is another early form of animation. It is a circle that has drawings all around. You then put the circle into a machine the spins the circle around. The machine also has a slit that you can look through and just like of a Zeotrope you can see the picture move.

A Kinetscope was another early form of animation. It is a machine that has a peephole at the top. People used to put a penny in the machine and they were about to see images. Most of the time these machines would have dirty images in them like half nude women in them. 
The Mutoscope was another early day form of animation. It is a sort of flip book. That means the pictures sort of flip up and show you what's on the piece of paper. There are lots of these pieces of paper and if it goes fast then the photos sort of emerge together to make one moving image. The typical Mutoscope will have 850 cards inside it. The cards are all placed in a circle so it goes around quiet fast to get the best movement.

Understanding media stuff

What is a media conglomerate?
A media conglomerate is a big company that owns a load of business like Disney own Lucas film studios. Which Lucas film studios own the Indianan jones and star wars films. This is why we find the Disney logo on the front of their DVD cases.
What is a subsidiary?
A subsidiary is a business that is owned by another big business.
Understanding media:
Media ownership:
Private ownership:
These are companies that don't traded publicly. It is many larger companies that trade privately. Example of these are MTV and coke. An advantage is that it doesn't cost as much as public services so this is good for little businesses starting out. But an disadvantage to this is that it is harder for people to find out who you are. That means people wont be buying your product or film as much as a company who does it privately.   
Public services:
Public ownership is different to private ownership. This is where everyone can see who owns who. This many applies to television programs, radio and lots more. Examples of these are Sky, virgin media, give feedback and the BBC. The advantage of having a public service is that its easier to get people to know who you are and to get the word about your company and what it does. The disadvantage is that is cost a lot to get the advisements out and also there is a lot of competition to get your product out there and in the public eye.
Cross Media:
Cross media is where a film has a DVD. So that means it crosses between different parts of media. So fast and furious 7 has their own CD with the sound track to the films. Other examples of this is Shaun of the dead, Harry potter and lord of the rings. An advantage of this is if people like the movie they will buy the CD, poster and more. A disadvantage is that there will be more people to be paid so they will have to get a higher profit to be able to pay for the people to do the jobs that need to be done.  
This means any television, radio, newspaper or the internet that is influenced by the government or corporate interests.
Media conglomerates are companies that control there own marketing and stuff. They are an independent company.
Verticatical and Horizontal Integration:
This is where several companies come together to make a film. Each company owns a different stage of the production. An example of this is Harry Potter and the deathly hollows part 2. It was distributed by Warner Bros but other complains that are owned by Warner Bros like HBO ran be hide the scene of the film, CNN, they promoted the film world wide. An advantage of this is that a company is given 100% control of the movie that is being made, reduction in transport. A disadvantage of this is you cant be as flexible as you would if your were the only business producing the film and it a lot more harder to come up with what you are going to do for the film.
This is where they buy out another film. An example of this is Disney buying out Lucas films. An advantage of this is you can sell you product is different parts of the world and it increases market power. A disadvantage to this is that is costs more, there is a lot more work to be done and that makes a lot more responsibilities.
British Film company:
BBC films:
BBC films have made films like The boy in the striped pyjamas, Billy Elliot and Women in gold. They many do proper films with people acting in them and not being animated. They employ around 100 people. They were founded in 1990 by David M Thompson since then they have been making films. Its organisation is the BBC. There first film was Truly, Madly, Deeply.

Rupert Murdoch:
Rupert Murdoch was born on the 11th of March 1931, he has had 3 wives and has 6 children. He was born in Australia although he is a American citizen since 1985. He is facing police inquiroments as he has ledged to have hacked into celebrity's, royals and public citizens phones. He is worth 12.7 billion dollars. He is the 91st richest person in the world.
World map where Rupert Murdoch owns companies:

Thursday 1 October 2015

Research techniques: open and closed questions

Research techniques:
Open and closed questions?
Open questions:
Open questions are questions that are most likely to have long answers. Examples of this is what did you doing on holiday?, what is your favorite childhood memory? and what was your high school experience like? So its like the question is like open to all different answers.
Closed questions:
Closed questions are questions that give you a short answer. Like a one word answer or a short sentence. Some of them could be yes or no answers. Examples of this is are you happy?, Do you like your car? and do you have a pet? So the questions are closed to what answers you can give it. Where as open questions you are open to give up lots of different answers.

Questionnaire about game consoles?
Do you like watching movies on your games console? DVD's
Do you like games consoles? some of them
Do you have a games console? yes
If yes, which one do you owns? Xbox 360
How long do you spend playing on it? usually 1 hour at a time
What is your favorite game and why do you play it?
Do you play multiplayer on your game console much? no

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Stop motion animation: types of animation

Types of animation:


Cartoon animation is made by drawings. There are known as frames. There are 25 frames in a second. There are so many example of cartoon animation like the Simpsons, Tom and Jerry and many more. Cartoons are not just television they can be movies to like Dumbo, Snow White and lots more. As time has gone on cartoon animations have become better quality.

This is the link to the trailer of the original snow white and the seven dwarfs. This was the first ever full length colour cartoon film of its time. In was made by Disney in 1937.

This is a link to a Tom and Jerry episode. This was made in 1941 and shows that cartoon animation can be used for comedy and violence as well as Disney princess films.


Model animation is made by making models. These models can be made by Lego, plaster seen and lots more. Animations that are made by models are Wallace and Gromit, morph and lots more. Just like cartoon animation these can be made into movies as well. Just like Cartoon animation the quality has improved a lot more like you can hardly see that the characters were made out of plaster seen.

This link shows you an episode of the sense morph. Morph first appeared in 1977 with Tony Hart. This shows that clay is a good material for making models in stop motion animation films or series.

This is a short clip out of the episode a great day out in the series Wallace and Gromit. This was made in 1989 by Nick Park.

Cut out:

Cut out animation is made by cutting out bits of material to make the background and characters. Materials like photographs, paper and fabrics. Examples of cut out animation are Charlie and Lola, The Adventures of Prince Achmed and heaven and earth magic. Charlie and Lola is a piece of model piece of cutout animation. 

This is a short film that lasts for 5 minutes called the miracle of flight. It was made in 1974 by a man called Terry Gilliam. It is a comedy short film and made in the style of comedy as Monty Pythons. This is an example of old cut out animations.

This is a children’s TV show called Charlie and Lola. This is more of a modern example of cut out animation and shows how much Cut out animation has changed since the 1970s. It implies how cut out animation can be used for children’s shows as well as comedy short films.

Factual programme/film and video: producing a film

The 4 steps to producing a film?
The 4 steps to producing a film is development, preproduction, production and post production.
This is the section where the producers find out what story they want to make into a film. This can come from a book, comic, video game or even a original idea. The development section is where they make an outline to the film. Creating what will happen in the film if it is a original idea or seeing what happens in the book, comic or video game to create a film. They do this by making screenplays of the film. Screen plays are scripts that are made by screenwriters to tell the actors what to do. They also finance the programme into a sought and greenlit.
In the Pre-production section, they prepare for the film like they pick the camera crew that will be filming the film. They will make sure they get the best crew at a cheap price so it doesn't cost them as much. They also start to build the set and book in the locations that they want to shoot at.
This is where they film the main scenes of the movie.
Post production
This is where they look though the whole film and add in bits of effects, edits, sound and image effects are put into the film. Programmes like prelude and prior pro are used to help edit long films and not just small films.
How to use prelude?
Prelude is a timeline based video editing software thats is apart of the adobe creative cloud. It is used to edit videos such as adding comments, subclips and lots more. It comes in handy when you are working on big projects and makes it a lot easier to us as it lets you choose which cuts you want the work with and your not looking through the own movie to find the part you wanna edit. You can us wruth cuts to help you decide what you need to shoot again or edit more. You then send these wruth cuts to premiere pro to do the editing.

Firstly you press onto prelude and it will upload. Then click on new projects.  Then you have to click injest. It will come up with a box with your documents on it. Then you find there you find your clips and upload them onto prelude. Your clips will come onto the screen. Then you choose which clips you want to edit. You choose the clips by clicking on the square at the bottum right hand corner on the box which has your clip in. You can also use a shortcut by putting your cerser over the clip box and a yellow line will appear at the bottum. You then click I at the part where you wanna start and O for where you want it to end. Then you press ingest and the videos with tranfer onto a screen where you can edit them. You can only edit one clip at a time so you double click on the clip. At the bottum of the screen there with be tabs labled 1 to 5. If you click on each then you can edit it in the style. Then once you have finished editing you press file, then export as a rough cut. Then save it in my documents or somewhere you can find it. Finally it is really to open up in premier pro where you can edit it even more.